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Stockholm, Sweden
My academic blog with history, primarily military history as the main theme. Please leave a comment that can be relevant and useful for the topic which you find interesting. I am writing in several languages, including English, depending on the theme and the languages of the sources. At the moment I am working as guide at Batteriet Arholma military museum in Stockholm. For further information please contact me on lauvlad89@gmail.com

söndag 20 oktober 2013

Militärattachéer under 1900-1914 inom generalstaben / Military attachés during 1900-1914 in the Swedish General Staff

Efter att ha presenterat en tabell med studieresor som gjordes inom generalstaben under perioden 1900-1914 ville jag skriva ett inlägg om militärattachéer. När generalstaben grundandes 1873 etablerades de första posteringarna in Berling, Paris samt S:t Petersburg. Fram till första världskrigets utbrott fanns det 13 stycken militärattachéer. De nya posteringarna tillkom i Storbritannien, Österrike-Ungern, Italien, Japan, Rumänien, USA, Osmanska riket, Danmark, Norge och Belgien. Efter att världskriget startade drogs militärattachén i Belgien och Rumänien in samtidigt som det tillkom militärattachéer i Nederländerna och Schweiz. 

After presenting a table with the study tours taken within the General Staff during the 1900-1914 I wanted to write a comment about the military attachés. When the General Staff was created in 1873 he first attaché posts were established in Berlin, Paris and Saint Petersburg. Before the WWI there were in total 13 attachés. The new posts were established in the UK, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Japan, Romania, USA, Ottoman Empire, Denmark Norway and Belgium. After that the war started the attachés in Belgium and Romania was suspended while new posts were established in the Netherlands and Switzerland. 

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