Staff’s field service exercise in 1916
During the beginning of October 1916, a field service
exercise took pace in area between Stockholm and Uppsala.[1] Comparing with the Fortification exercise from 1915, these exercises was not mainly based on trench warfare. It was rather organized for
exercising attack on and defence of rapidly established entrenched positions.[2] A scenario for the exercise was
based on combat between two fictive armies. Units that performed the attack on the
first day of the exercises noted that the first attacking flank did not succeed
because they did not use artillery while the second flank did the opposite and
performed a successful attack.[3] Also, the troops where for the first
time using a contemporary weapon system which was developed for trench warfare
– mortar.
The commander of the engineer troops wrote in his
report that the filed works were used in greater and better way compared with
earlier exercises in order to meet the modern
necessity and the ongoing inevitable experiences.[4] But also he wrote some negative criticism,
among other things that establishment of filed fortifications often was not
performed in a professional way. The troops were according to report in many
cases not performing in a realistic and professional way.[5] Form the report a conclusion can be
made that the Swedish army units still lacked basic knowledge about trench
warfare combat.
in trench warfare during the summer of 1917
At the same time as the proposal for instruction for
trench warfare was published the exercises in trench warfare were to be held.
Concept for the exercises was based on using the proposal for instruction in
order to exercise establishment of two fortified positions with two companies against
each other. The companies were supported by machineguns and with either fictive
or real artillery.[6] By that way exercises were held on
company and battalion level. The duration of the exercises was around 10-12 days
and they were divided in two periods. The first period was based on
establishing the positions and the second period was based on exercising trench
The troops were also using special weapons and systems
that were particular for trench warfare: signal-pistols, hand grenades, trench mortars
and wire cutters. The commanders were trained to give orders and to lead the
troops during attack and defence. Also, requirements were imposed on NCO: s to
use the initiative during counter-attacks.[7]
During the exercises several problems were identified.
The trench works were in several cases perceived to have been established on inappropriate
places and as unfinished before combat training started.[8] Many commanders lacked practical training
and experience regarding trench warfare as they only had theoretical training
which limited their ability to lead. The troops were in many cases performing
in inadequate ways as they were not supposed to do in reality.[9] Experiences from exercises were gathered, written down and later sent to SGS.
Some pictures from the exercises
[1] KrA,
Generalstaben, kommunikationsavdelningen, serie F I, Fälttjänstövningar 1916,
volym 51, generalorder 663, Allmänna bestämmelser.
[2] Ibid.
[3] KrA,
generalstaben, chefsexpeditionen f.d. hemliga arkiv, serie E III, vol. 96. Hugo Gadd: Fälttjänstövningarna i Uppland
1916, daterad 19 december 1916.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
Observation towords the
Lantförsvarets kommandoexpedition, serie B I, vol. 78, generalorder 4 juni 1917
nr 712.
[7] KrA,
generalstaben, kommunikationsavdelningen, serie F I, vol 57. Övningarna i
ställningskrig inom III. arméfördelningen i Axvall, II. arméfördelningen,
Rapport n:r 1125 Till chefen för II. arméfördelningen.
[8] Ibid,
[9] Ibid,
III. arméfördelningen, Rapport över övningarna i ställningskrig inom III.
arméfördelningen å Axvall 1917 s.15-16
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