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Stockholm, Sweden
My academic blog with history, primarily military history as the main theme. Please leave a comment that can be relevant and useful for the topic which you find interesting. I am writing in several languages, including English, depending on the theme and the languages of the sources. At the moment I am working as guide at Batteriet Arholma military museum in Stockholm. For further information please contact me on lauvlad89@gmail.com

tisdag 3 december 2013

Första världskriget och svenska armén / World War I and the swedish army

De senaste veckorna har jag arbetat  intensivt med uppsatsen som jag nu kan bli klar med inom en månad. Under tiden har jag hittat några bilder som visar de övningarna i ställningskrig som bedrevs inom armén under sommaren 1917. De följande bilderna är tagna från 3:e arméfördelningen under övningarna runt Axvall som ligger i Skara. Notera att soldaterna bär två samtida typer av uniformer den blåa och så kallade m/ä (modell äldre) samt den gråa m/10. En annan notering är att de inte bär hjälmar eftersom de första hjälmarna inom armén tillkom efter kriget. 

During the last weeks, I have been intensively working with the assignment for which I am counting to finish very soon. During the time, I have found some pictures that are showing the "trench war exercises" which I am writing about that took place in the Swedish army during the summer of 1917. The following pictures are showing troops from 3rd division around  Axvall in the county of Skara. Note that soldiers are wearing contemporary two kinds of uniforms, the blue uniform and so-called "older model" and the grey m/10 dress. Also, note that soldiers are not wearing helmets since the first helmets in the Swedish army were introduced after the war. 

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