About me

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Stockholm, Sweden
My academic blog with history, primarily military history as the main theme. Please leave a comment that can be relevant and useful for the topic which you find interesting. I am writing in several languages, including English, depending on the theme and the languages of the sources. At the moment I am working as guide at Batteriet Arholma military museum in Stockholm. For further information please contact me on lauvlad89@gmail.com

måndag 2 april 2018

Political communication and Trump

Recently I read a paper written by Lucian Gideon Conway, Meredith A. Repkea and Shannon C. Houck under the name "Donald Trump as a Cultural Revolt Against Perceived Communication Restriction: Priming Political Correctness Norms Causes More Trump Support".  

One of the main arguments of the paper is that "Political correct norms" as for example, using communication perceived as inclusive when it comes to minority groups can: 

1) result in the reduction of the amount of negative communication in the short term 

2) may produce more support for negative communication in the long term. 

The paper provides evidence for what researchers describe as norms that are designed to increase the overall amount of positive communication can actually "backfire" by increasing support for a politician who uses extremely negative language that explicitly violates the norm.

In my view, one thing that paper is describing is the current situation of polarisation and radicalisation of US political development. One fact is that Donald Trump won the presidency also by using political communication often described as racist, sexist and xenophobic. 

According to the paper, one explanation for Trump’s success involves a socio-historical discussion that is essentially exclusive to conservative American politics where evidence suggests that increased authoritarianism, increased social dominance, and lower cognitive abilities were all predictive of Trump support during
the election. 

In their general discussion, the researchers conclude that their results provide support for a connection between the salience of restrictive communication norms and support for Trump. 

For example, participants who had the interests to think about and focus on the restrictive communication norms during the presidential campaign showed more support for Trump than participants who were not so primed. 

For more information about the paper, click on the following link.  

söndag 1 april 2018

Debatten om GAL-TAN 2014-2017

Bildresultat för GAL TAN
Källa: Henrik Oscarsson, SOM-institutet vid Göteborgs universitet

Jag har sedan hösten och vintern 2017 hållit på med att skriva en studie om GAL-TAN skalan. Idag publicerar jag dokumentet som finns att ladda ned via denna länk

Fokus för studien var att undersöka om hur GAL-TAN skalan presenterades i svenska medier under 2014-2017. Här kommer sammanfattningen från studien: 

1. GAL-TAN skalan handlar om icke-ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella frågor som invandring, narkotika och klimat. Det är en skala som grundas i hur politiska aktörer ser på samhället och människan.

2. Diskussionerna om GAL-TAN skalan i svenska medier under perioden 2014-2017 relaterade till diskussioner om högerpopulism och nationalism, valet 2014 och 2018, opinionsundersökningar och
väljarbeteenden, partiernas historia och utveckling, globalism och kosmopolitism, ekonomiska och icke-ekonomiska frågor.

3. I synen på GAL-TAN skalan framgick skillnaden mellan till exempel progressiva och konservativa aktörer. Medan progressiva aktörer är mer positiva till skalan är konservativa aktörer mer negativa.

4. Feministiskt Initiativ, Vänsterpartiet, Socialdemokraterna, Liberalerna och Centerpartiet ses i diskussionerna som GAL-partier medan Moderaterna, Kristdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraterna ses som TAN-partier. Både Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna är partier som ”delas itu” med högre grad av interna GAL-TAN skillnader.