About me

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Stockholm, Sweden
My academic blog with history, primarily military history as the main theme. Please leave a comment that can be relevant and useful for the topic which you find interesting. I am writing in several languages, including English, depending on the theme and the languages of the sources. At the moment I am working as guide at Batteriet Arholma military museum in Stockholm. For further information please contact me on lauvlad89@gmail.com

onsdag 14 februari 2018

Ruska LGBTQI istorija

Članak vezan za istoriju seksualizma u Rusiji, naročito za period prije 1917. 

"Kako se početkom XX veka pojavio sve veći broj liberalnih pokreta, sve se više govorilo o dekriminalizaciji homoseksualnosti, naročito u pravnim krugovima. Jedna od glavnih figura ovog pokreta bio je Vladimir Nabokov – otac  pisca Vladimira Nabokova, poznati advokat i osnivač Demokratske partije. On je ujedno i prvi ruski političar koji se javno zalagao za gej prava, te se bavio zakonskim položajem članova LGBTIQ zajednice u carskoj Rusiji, i borio za dekriminalizaciju. Posle revolucije 1905. godine, zakoni koji su sankcionisali homoseksualnost postali su jači nego ikada, a dolazili su od većinski homofobičnih političara" 


lördag 10 februari 2018

Global Mobility Report 2017

Global Mobility Report 2017

The Global Mobility Report 2017 is the first-ever attempt to examine the performance of the transport sector, globally, and its contribution to a sustainable future. The report is also including aspects such as the 2030 Agenda and how transportation is relevant for Sustainable Development. The GMR is built around three components: 

1. Four global objectives that define “sustainable mobility” 

2. Quantitative and qualitative targets for those objectives, drawn from international agreements 

3. Indicators to track country-level progress towards those objectives. It covers all modes of transport, including road, air, waterborne and rail. 

Data for the report is based on statistics and other information from more than 180 countries.